Marcus Filly - The CEO of Functional Bodybuilding

In today's episode we sit down and talk with Marcus Filly. Owner and operator of Revival Strength and Functional Bodybuilding.

Marcus was a 6x CrossFit Games athlete with his best finish in 2016 finishing in 12th place in the world! Since then Marcus has put the majority of his focus in building his coaching business and raising a family.

In this podcast we get to see a side of Marcus most of you might not see very often. On social media you may only get to see his workouts and his epically crafted meals on his instagram and YouTube page but today we dive a little bit into his back story.

We talk about his life from high school, college and his first couple years in medical school and how that journey shaped his decision to choose health and fitness as his method for helping people instead of spending another 6 years in school before ever getting to practice anything he's learned.

We talk about his coaching approach when it comes to Functional Bodybuilding and his hope to help as many people as possible "stay in the game" longer than they ever expected.

We talk about common misunderstandings people have when looking at Marcus through the social media sense. How the most influential people in his life right now are all women. And finally how his focus isn't on legacy but rather on building a successful business that in 10-15 years time will create the legacy for him through their programs and results.

I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation with Marcus and wish we could've gone for another 45 mins! I hope you guys enjoy as well!

Follow Marcus @marcusfilly
Follow Functional Bodybuilding @functional.bodybuilding

Follow me @chrispage_coach

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