Your Emotions Are Signals

In today's podcast I talk about the importance of listening to the emotions your body is sending you vs. pushing them down and avoiding them.

This podcast idea came from a conversation I had with a friend who was very low on motivation and couldn't understand why. One thing he said that stood out to me was "I've always avoided my feelings because I'm a guy and that's what we do".

This sparked a conversation with him and that conversation sparked the idea for this podcast episode.

Men have been taught their entire lives "emotions make you weak" "never show anyone you're scared" exc. and this has taught men inadvertently to lie to themselves about how they truly feel.

And when you've lied to yourself your whole life about how you really feel it becomes very difficult to make any lasting changes in your life if you can't first express how you truly feel in the first place.

In this episode I can some reasons why its so important to start listening to your body and the signals it is sending you.

I then share some techniques on how you can start having a conversation with yourself and start tapping into these feelings.

And finally how to notice what causes certain triggers in your body and what they mean .

Once you understand these things and are able to be in alignment with body mind and spirit you will start living each day with more fulfillment and more energy.

This will mean you won't need to rely on motivation as much and you won't let your feeling bottle up inside you until they explode like I used too before I went to therapy and learned these skills myself.

I hope you enjoy!

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Chris Page: @chrispagecoach