Jacob Womble

Episode 14 is a podcast like you’ve never experienced before. In this fourteenth episode of TATS we dive deep into the nonsense that is Jacob “Big Daddy” Womble. As this whirlwind of an hour goes on, you’ll learn how the self-proclaimed Big Daddy came to be, what it means to be a Womble, and Jacob’s dream of competing on CBS’s hit show, Survivor.

Heading into this episode, I truly had no idea what to expect but it topped any possible expectations. Big Daddy tells us how to be a “Beach-Side Mom” and treats us to a number of his unique Jacob-isms.

When it comes to the TATS family, Jacob is our “keeper of the books” and as we dive deeper, we get to the heart of what XV🔹XIII means to him. He explains who he would want to have dinner with if he could pick anyone, and you’ll learn how the way he wants to be remembered has to do with Macklemore. Relax and enjoy because once Big Daddy gets yeetin’, there’s no slowing down.

TATS is brought to you by the XV XIII Network. You can support what we are doing by becoming a Patron or buying some Merch.

Follow the journey @xvxiiinetwork & keep up with Jacob on Instagram @jomble95

TATS is brought to you by the XV XIII Network. You can support what we are doing by becoming a Patron or buying some Merch.

XV XIII Network: @xvxiiinetwork
Ethan Sansoni: @esansoni09