Karon Hawkins: Failure Is The Way Forward

Today I sit down with my good friend Karon Hawkins aka Coach Kronic. I met Karon at a mastermind hosted by Cody McBroom in Seattle. We started by going around stating our goals with our business and when it came to Karon I distinctly remember him saying "I want to build an empire" with the utmost certainty and I immediately wanted to get to know him more because greatness recognizes greatness. In the episode, we get into some of that trip and our night out on the dance floor.

We also get into the backstory that brought Karon into coaching clients in person and online. This was not the initial career he had in mind and actually, after getting his first degree in information systems and business, he got a job at Time Warner Inc. as a cybersecurity analyst.

This was the first time Karon experienced what financial security felt like and to his disappointment he found dreading work in the morning despite that financial security. It didn't fulfill him in a way that excited him every day, the reality was he never had one day like that for a year so he left in pursuit of a Master's Degree in Health and Physical Activity. This was surprising to a lot of friends and family because Karon grew up unathletic, in drama classes, and a dancer but this passion was something he's never experienced before.

One of Karon's biggest reasons for getting into this field was because he dealt with chronic pain (hence Coach Kronic) and because of this coaching and focus was on how to optimize the body to reduce and eliminate pain. This started with the supple leopard, then FRC and eventually he stumbled onto an account called flobility. And after interviewing Jordan (the creator of flobility) and trying out his principle for almost a year he is certain this is the missing piece the industry is looking for!

Karon has also been nice enough to share a mini-series of theirs if you are interested in what Flobility is about which you can access here: www.flobility.com/miniseries

If people wanna get started right away they can go here: www.flobility.com/flo-1 and use discount code KH50 for 50% off the initiation fee.

And if you're looking for help with your own fitness and nutrition you can apply for coaching here: https://admin.typeform.com/form/yXyw7C/create

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Chris Page: @chrispagecoach