Where Energy Goes, Energy Flows - Wisdom Teeth Surgery

In this episode I share some lessons I learned from getting my wisdom teeth taken out and how I first handled the pain of the surgery wasn't helping me mentally, it was only making things worse.

I realized that where your focus goes your energy flows; and if I was focusing only on the pain of my mouth then all that was amplified in my life was the pain in my mouth and it caused me to be very irritable this last week.

I couldn't help but correlate this pain and negative attitude I was experiencing to someone else who was going through their own weight loss journey/physical transformation and how if they only focused on the negative then their experience is going to be negative.

So in this podcast I share how I instead put my focus on things I can control:
-Focused on hitting my steps
-Focused on reading 10pgs./day
-Focused on my meditation

And by focusing on these aspects of my day and hitting these mini goals I was able to create small hits of dopamine and these small hits of dopamine allowed me to focus less on my teeth and the pain I was experiencing.

I believe if anyone out there is on their own journey the more you focus on small, achievable targets you will create small dopamine hits that will give you the motivation to keep going!

I hope you enjoy the episode!!

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Chris Page: @chrispagecoach