Life Update: I'm Moving... Here's Why

In this episode I share the reality of my current living situation and why I'm moving out to go live with a roommate in order to keep going after my dreams and goals. I've been living in this apartment for a year and at this point financially it just doesn't make sense to keep paying the amount I am because it will only cause more stress than relief.

As much as I love this place and being able to live on my own, right next to the beach and the river, I love being able to chase my dreams more.

In this episode I talk about the infinite game vs. a finite game and how my business, my health and my relationships are all infinite games and the only way to "win" an infinite game is to outlast the other competitors. And in order for me to do that, I have to make sacrifices and today's sacrifice is giving up my apartment so I can pay less per month and keep chasing my goals.

The reason I'm sharing this is to give my own real life example of what it takes to achieve your goals much like someone listening to this may have to make financial sacrifices to be able to afford a coach, gym membership, healthy food choices, exc. to be able to chase their own dreams. But most of us don't do this, most of us instead choose the more financially taxing choice in order to keep up appearances and "keep up with the joneses" and this isn't helping you in any way. It's only protecting your ego. It's trying to play a finite game.

I hope you enjoy the episode and choose your dreams over looking fancy for people who ultimately don't matter!

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