3 Lessons From My VA Trip

In this episode I cry on air for the first time full disclosure. This was recorded 2 days after I visited my GMA in Virginia and ultimately right before she passed away. While I was over in VA I came back with 3 lessons that my grandparents taught me without them even knowing.

  1. I learned my GPA was and still is a badass even though he passed away 5 years ago. He truly set the standard in my opinion of what it means to be a man in the Page Family.

  2. I learned that when you take a trip like this that isn't a "vacation" doesn't give you permission to slip up on your goals, it just means it's going take more discipline and effort to stay on track.

  3. I learned that sometimes all someone wants is to see you and to be in your presence because it makes their day a little bit better.

I wasn't expecting to come back with these insights after seeing my GMA but when I came back from this trip I couldn't help but share this insights with you all.

I hope you enjoy the episode!

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