Conquer Fear with These 3 Techniques

In today's episode we talk about 3 techniques to confront your fears:

-Exposure Therapy

-Immersion Therapy

-Talk Therapy (CBT)

These 3 techniques have been tremendous to my progress in my life whether it's my physical health, my mental health, my relationships and my friendships.

-Exposure Therapy is a way for you to START SMALL in confronting your fears. An example would be; the gym scares you. A way to confront this fear would be going to the gym at their "dead hours" so there isn't a lot of people and over time you will be able to go to the gym when it's packed and not care about the other people through exposure therapy.

-Immersion Therapy is a little different, instead of starting small immersion therapy is all about GOING ALL IN! This is when you dive in the deep end of the pool vs. walking in step by step slowly.

-Talk Therapy, now disclaimer** I am not a therapist but I have gone to therapy for years and in this podcast I talk about my positive experience in going to therapy and being able to voice your fears to a professional. If the other 2 techniques didn't work then I would suggest finding a therapist where you can try out Talk Therapy or CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

I hope you enjoy!


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