Carter Good: Fitness Advice Your Life Doesn't Have to Revolve Around

Today we have Carter Good on the show!

Carter is a fellow nutrition coach who has most definitely walked the walk along with being able to talk the talk. When Carter was in high school he went through a tough time while his parents divorce was a big scene in his small town.

As a coping mechanism to the stress Carter found comfort in food and ultimately ended up weighing at his heaviest 305lbs while being 5'11.

This was a gradual weight gain but eventually had to come to an end, Carter was able to drop about 150lbs and get back into shape and doing so, he gained some recognition from some fitness pages congratulating him on his achievement.

He decided afterwards that he had a love for fitness and ultimately wanted to help others have the same success he had. In today's show we talk about his business, his approach to coaching, how at some point everyone needs to have fitness be one of the most important things in their life if they ever want to find sustainability and so much more!

I was super excited to have Carter on and I hope you all enjoy the show!

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Chris Page: @chrispagecoach