In Ep. 06 - I interview the man, the myth, the legend, and my boss; Ed Andre. As alluded to in previous episodes, I was slightly nervous to sit down with what some would consider to be the greatest negotiator in our land. But as you will come to quickly learn through this episode.... Ed is a down to earth, kind, humble, and generous man. And this was an episode that highlighted the side of him that some don't get to experience!
HUGE thanks to Jeanne and Jessica Andre for not only coming to the studio that day and supporting their man; but also for the love, generosity, and support you have shown to me personally over the years, and as of recently, the 15 13 Network.
Also look up the Andre Family endeavors online through:
XV XIII Network: @xvxiiinetwork
Ethan Sansoni: @esansoni09