Episode 002 | Miami Tats

In our second episode, you get introduced to “Young Kyle” & “B-Sails” as the boys head south to Miami for the weekend to get tats.

Film, Edited & Produced by

Katlyn Sauer: @katelyn.sauer

Executive Produced by

Ethan Sansoni: @esansoni09

Drone Footage by

Anthony Tang: @anthony.tang

Music by

Shallou: @shalloumusic
Julian Avila: @avilabeats


Bryan Saylor: @bryansaylor
Jackson Edwards: @youngmachete1989
Kyle Carr: @kyleausten

Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more vlogs and other future content. Episode 003 is coming soon! You won't want to miss it.

A special thanks to Ricky "The Legend" (@bisontattoos) for the incredible artistry & VOUS Church (@vouschurch) for a stellar place of worship.