Travis Dalrymple: America's Got Talent 3rd Place Contestant Tells His Story

In today's episode I talk with another business mentor of mine Travis Dalrymple. Travis has an incredible story about how he has spent the last 10 years of his life after dropping out of college at Virginia Tech.

Travis had no problem getting though classes in school but quickly realized after his first year in college he had no idea what he wanted to do and that the college system wasn't really working out for him in order to help him find an answer to his dilemma of life after college.

Luckily after joining a fraternity in college a group of his friends performed a black light dance routine for a philanthropy event that went viral on Youtube back in 2009. This dance routine actually landed them in New York City to audition for America's Got Talent, and you know what? They placed third overall!!

This was the perfect distraction for Travis since he still didn't know what he wanted to do. Right after finishing 3rd on America's Got Talent Travis and his friends were invited to go on tour with AGT and they ended up traveling to 38 different cities performing their routine. At this point Travis and his friends decided to dropout of college and pursue this performance career and see where it took them. And in short, it took them all over the world! Travis and his crew Fighting Gravity traveled the world performing and still do to this day.

While Travis was living in New York working with producers to try and take Fighting Gravity on Broadway, he stumbled into a CrossFit gym and even though he got destroyed in the workout he wanted more. This turned into a job as a coach in the gym and eventually a managerial role over the next couple years.

After awhile Travis realized that the in-gym business model wasn't going to give him the freedom or lifestyle he wanted and when COVID hit Travis pivoted to online coaching where his business has thrived. This is where Travis and I's paths crossed. Travis has built an incredibly successful online coaching business and now helps other coaches build theirs.

He is a shining example of how you can create the life you want to live without having to follow society's traditional work life route. I thoroughly enjoyed our talk today and I hope you do too!

If you are looking for help losing that 15-25lbs you've put on years ago I do have 5-7 spots available for 1:1 coaching where you can click the link below to apply. And if you listened to Travis and I talk about the benefits of online coaching vs. in person you will hear how much more beneficial online can be! Once you fill out the application I will reach out to you within 24 hours!

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Chris Page: @chrispagecoach