Matt Yates: Reframe Your Emotions for Success

In this episode, Matt Yates joins us to really break down the mental side of weight loss and habit change. Matt and I talk about what a belief is and how beliefs become limiting beliefs. Once you understand what a belief is you start to realize the constant thought loops we catch ourselves in every day and how those can push you towards your goals or keep you in the same place not taking action. After that Matt breaks down the non-utility of someone's self-critic and how to break that in someone by talking to their inner child. After that we get into one of my biggest fears: Fear of Judgement and how that doesn't even exist due to the fact that we are all in our own heads and as a result, this fear of judgment is really self-created. We also get into believing you are worthy right now and forever based on being a human being and nothing else, how to fill your cup up without feeling empty, how to use your emotions as guideposts to the present, emotional connections with food, and so much more! This was honestly my favorite podcast to date and if you think one of your friends out there needs to hear this conversation please post on your story and share with them!!

If you loved this podcast and want to connect more with Matt his Instagram is:


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