How You Talk To Yourself Matters

Today I talk about the importance of self talk.

In this episode I wanted to hammer home the idea that seeking negatively to yourself is only hurting your chances of reaching your goals. I talk about a mindset coach and performance expert Trevor Moawad and the research he's done on negative vs. positive thinking.

And what he found was that Harvard did a study on this; they found that when someone speaks something out loud, those were have 10x the strength than if they were just thought in ones head. On top of that, they found that if what was said out loud was negative that those words were a multiple of 4-7x stronger just because the words had a negative connotation.

So that means that if you were to say something negative about yourself out loud that those words now have 40-70x the strength then a negative thought that was just running through your head.

This stat blew my mind!!

I share Trevor's concept of "neutral thinking" for those who simply cant make the jump from negative thoughts to positive ones, neutral thinking might be the bridge to that gap.

And lastly I talk about how the past isn't predictive to your future, if you change your behaviors. Your behaviors are way out ahead of any success you're after so if you want to make some serious changes in your life that start looking at what behaviors you need to change and you'll find yourself getting much closer to those goals much faster once you start changing your behaviors in accordance with your goal.

I hope you enjoy and if you did please share this podcast with someone you know has a little too much negative self talk or self deprecation! I'm sure they will appreciate it!

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