Hayden Weichers: From Felon To 6 Figure Business Owner

Today we sit down with one of my mentors Hayden Weichers. (Who by the way is the same age as me and yet blows me away with his business success.)

When I first started my online coaching business Hayden was the first guy I talked to in order to join my mentorship group IFCA. Hayden is a master at sales, being able to read body language and has used these skills to create multiple 6 figure earning businesses but it didn't start out that way for him.

Hayden used to be a collegiate college football player, and a good one at that! And in our talk today he shares the unfortunate situation he was put in that landed him in a federal jail for marijuana distribution, solicitation, exc. This caused him to get kicked out of school, unable to work at a regular job and the entire state of Utah labeled him the poster child of fuck ups.

Hayden was able to clear his name for most of the charges but as a result he had to take a very untraditional route to financial success and he shares his whole backstory into business that has lead him where he is today.

We talk about reasons why most 26-year-olds won't break free of the societal norms to create the life they want to live, the importance of keeping your circle small, eliminating all negativity in our environment in order to succeed, and how most guys our age only want to be successful to show off their success instead of doing the non-sexy things to make it financially.

After that we talk about how important his wife has been throughout this entire journey, what fatherhood is like, what he wants to instill in his daughter as she grows up and the importance of communication between his wife and himself while running their businesses and raising a child.

Hayden is an absolute beast and I'm extremely grateful to call him my mentor and my friend so I hope you guys enjoy this podcast as much as I did! If you enjoyed this podcast please take a screenshot and tag both Hayden and I, we would love to reach out and thank you for listening! If you want to reach out to Hayden you can find him on Instagram @haydenweichers.

And if you are looking for coaching in your health and fitness I do have 5-7 spots available for the right person and you can apply for coaching by clicking the link below!

Talk to you guys soon!


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